January 8, 2023

How to config a secure MQTT broker

Mahdad Ghasemian

Update system

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get upgrade

Create a folder

$ mkdir ./mosquitto-data

Go to the created folder and clone|run install-mqtt-broker script

note: change the following username and password

$ cd ./mosquitto-data
$ sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MahdadGhasemian/mqtt-broker/main/install-mqtt-broker.sh | bash -s username password

The scripts will show following log

Script's log

  • copy the last line of the log and run it on your local system like this:

    $ sudo bash -c "echo "x.x.x.x mqtt-host-tekp" >> /etc/hosts"

  • copy client folder to your local, it has three files (ca.crt client.crt client.key)

How to configure the MQTTX client application

How to configure the MQTTX client app

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