July 25, 2023

How to setup an OpenVPN by ssh tunnel (bridge mode)

Mahdad Ghasemian

On Server B (Foreign Server):

$ mkdir openvpn
$ cd openvpn
$ sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MahdadGhasemian/openvpn-bridge-config/main/install-upstream.sh -o ./install-upstream.sh && chmod +x ./install-upstream.sh && ./install-upstream.sh open-vpn-port ca-passphrase server-b-ssh-port server-a-ip port-on-server-a

Once the script finishes, It will print a command as follows, please run it on your intranet server :

sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MahdadGhasemian/openvpn-bridge-config/main/install-bridge.sh | bash -s server-b-ssh-port port-on-server-a open-vpn-port server-b-ip

On Server A (Intranet server):

$ sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MahdadGhasemian/openvpn-bridge-config/main/install-bridge.sh | bash -s server-b-ssh-port port-on-server-a open-vpn-port server-b-ip

Add new user:

After setup, run the following command to add a new user on the Server B. This will create a new USERNAME.ovpn file that you can download and add to your client applications.

$ ./add_user.sh USERNAME PASSWORD



on the server B (Foreign Server):

$ sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MahdadGhasemian/openvpn-bridge-config/main/install-upstream.sh -o ./install-upstream.sh && chmod +x ./install-upstream.sh && ./install-upstream.sh 7766 ca1234 2221 4445

on the server A (Intranet server):

$ sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MahdadGhasemian/openvpn-bridge-config/main/install-bridge.sh | bash -s 2221 4445 7766

Add a user:

We're gonig to add a user named user1 with the password 1234. On the server B, inside the openvpn folder, run following command:

$ ./add_user.sh user1 1234

Once it finishes, a file called user1.ovpn will be generated inside the folder. Download it and add to your client app.